Grandpa – is 102 years young in heaven today. We lost him a few years back, and he left us with so many wonderful memories. I can remember him vividly. His familiar hand gestures, his limp as he walked, down to his familiar verbiage of “by gum” and “ahhh boy.”

What a man.

He loved his wife and family with everything in him. He was a father to 11 children, 7 of which he helped raise to adulthood, and sadly buried 4 of his babies in their infancy or young ages. He worked hard his whole life, always had a glorious garden, and could tell some of the best stories.

His impact in this community is still felt and talked about today. I’ve been told by several people, little things here and there that he did to help another person in need, always lending a helping hand or a listening ear. He was humble and kind….and a tad bit humorous! A twinkle in his eyes —Yes, he had that.

A decorated soldier in WWII. He had been in the 401st Glider Infantry Regiment. He battled through D-Day. He was a Purple Heart Recipient.

His was proof of a life well-lived. What I wouldn’t do to have him back again.

His name is Clyde (known as “Doc” to some, Daddy to a few, and PaPaw to several), and what a family legacy he left for us all. He was a man to look up to and strive to be more like.

He was one of the good ones.