by Tara Baisden | Jul 7, 2023 | Gardening, My Mountaintop Life, My West Virginia, Recipes
Summer in West Virginia means three things: blazing heat, gardening season, and wild raspberry season! Well, if I’m honest, summer in West Virginia means a lot more than three things, but just roll with that for now. As soon as the temperatures start rising in...
by Tara Baisden | Jan 23, 2023 | Family
Grandpa – is 102 years young in heaven today. We lost him a few years back, and he left us with so many wonderful memories. I can remember him vividly. His familiar hand gestures, his limp as he walked, down to his familiar verbiage of “by gum” and...
by Tara Baisden | Jan 23, 2023 | Book Reviews, Books
As always, Linda Castillo does not disappoint. I have read all the novels in the Kate Burkholder series – twice now – and each is better than the last. Castillo’s way with words, her twists and turns in every story, and her distinct characters keep me...
by Tara Baisden | Jan 23, 2023 | Book Reviews, Books
Stunning. This book is incredible. How this book was beautifully crafted in telling a story is amazing, delicious, and stunning. This novel is about a few topics I have never experienced and I thank God for that. It has not only opened my eyes to genuine issues in our...
by Tara Baisden | Jan 23, 2023 | My Mountaintop Life
Greetings, from Wild Wonderful West Virginia! I haven’t written on this blog for some time. Those of you who followed me on FaceBook and Instagram – are pretty much the same. I had taken a break from all social media. I had been checking in and reading...