First Snowfall of 2022

First Snowfall of 2022

It’s a beautiful morning in my world. The first snowfall of 2022 started midday yesterday and continued throughout most of the night. It’s absolutely magical right now. I almost didn’t want to step outside, so as not to disturb all that beautiful...

Quilt Poem

I found this cute little poem this morning on FaceBook and thought I would share it. In this photo is my Grandma Baisden, marking a quilt! Enjoy! In that far back-bedroomwithout no heat in,Granny pulled those quiltsway up to our chin.Two little brothers,each by my...

Great Aunt Columbia Jane’s Quilts

I was going to wait until tomorrow to post these pictures, but I just couldn’t wait. (warning – this post is very heavy with photos!)  Here are some good old-fashioned quilts.  Quilts like the ones that I grew up seeing that my Grandma had made. My Great...